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About the Club

The American Flag flying at one of our shows

We are a group based in the Torbay area of South Devon.  Most of our members live within 20 miles or so of here, although we do have a few who are further afield.

TOWC was founded in 1992 by a small group of friends with a common interest in preserving and using older vehicles of all types.  Since those early days the club has grown, but it still retains the friendly atmosphere where new members are quickly welcomed and made to feel at home.

In 2019 we were proud to be voted one of the Top Ten UK classic car clubs by readers of the best-selling Practical Classics magazine.

We have a popular public Facebook page here 
and members can also chat together on their own private page.

TOWC Logo.png

Most of us have classic cars, but many of our members also own bikes, scooters or

commercials. These date from the 1920s onwards, right through the decades up to modern

classics, exotics and replicas. What we all enjoy is the company of friends with a common

interest, and you don’t need to own an old vehicle to be a member. We meet monthly on the

last Wednesday at 7.15pm. As well as dealing with the routine of keeping the club running

smoothly, we usually have an extra feature such as a talk, film show, quiz, or whatever our

social team comes up with.

In the winter we have a monthly Sunday Breakfast meet

somewhere local or of special interest, preferably in old vehicles. In the summer season many of our members display their vehicles at shows around the region. At quite a few shows we run our own TOWC club stand. Membership is a great way of finding out what shows are on and where. We are probably best known for organising the Riviera Classic Car Show on Paignton Green at the end of July each year. This Show is an integral part of the Torbay Community Carnival which runs through the following week. We have done this since 1994 contributing to Carnival takings by around £70K over this time

  • As well as enjoying the social side of things, the club is a great way of sharing advice on the

    “nuts and bolts” of our hobby. We have a number of experts on hand so if we can’t help

    immediately, we can probably point you in the right direction!

    We’re always very keen to welcome new members, so if you are interested in anything to do with classic, vintage or veteran vehicles we’d love to meet you, whether you own one or not. Follow the link on this site for a membership form.

Three of our members fooling around

TOWC Out & About

We’re a very active Club throughout the year. Over the winter months we have regular

Sunday Breakfasts, usually in our old cars. In the summer show season we get together at

lots of different events around the region.

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